A man stands atop a steep mountain. Before him is a road that spirals down, long and winding. At the base, a majestic city.
As long as the man follows the path, he will reach the city. But because for road spirals around the mountain, sometimes the city will look close, others the city will look far away. Sometimes he will see others on the same journey that will look closer or further to the destination. But as long as the man follows the path, he will reach the city.
Now that we’ve talked about the importance of the journey and the goal, now to discuss the signs along the way.
As the man goes down the long road, he’ll see signs and mile markers that continue to direct him toward the city. These signs are encouraging because they show progress and remind him that he’s getting closer. But as encouraging as those signs can be, how foolish would it be for him to see a sign that said “59 miles away” and think he’s already reached the city. It doesn’t make sense to see a sign pointing to a city and assume the sign is the city itself.
And yet, that is exactly what many Christians do.
Miracles and healings are incredible blessings from God. Those powerful moments where the Holy Spirit moves and we experience God’s presence are so powerful.
But they’re just signs.
To say that the purpose of our walk with God is to see miracles or just dwell in his presence is mistaking the sign for the city.
But the important thing about signs isn’t the sign itself, but what the sign points to: the city, the kingdom of God, eternity.
As it says in John 14:13 “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” The miracles point to the glory of the God.
That is why “He sent them out to proclaim the coming kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” (Luke 9:2), because through demonstrations of his power, God faithful nature is proven. We can better endure and believe in God’s promises about the city because it’s confirmed by signs.
So, when we understand the importance of the journey, have an accurate view of the city, and don’t mistake a sign pointing to the city for the city itself, then we can endure the sufferings of the world. And when we reach the end, we can rejoice for all eternity.
“The one who endures to the end will be saved,” Matthew 24:13