Hot take: hard work and having goals isn't wrong! In today's culture, I see messages about self care and prioritizing rest everywhere I go. And rest is good, one of the most frequent things Jesus ever did was go off by himself and pray.
However, we has humans have a tendency to bounce from one extreme to another. There is 100% a danger in valuing work above all else and burning yourself out. But there is also 100% a danger in seeing self care as an excuse to be lazy and do nothing.
I wouldn’t be where I am if I didn’t work hard. And there’s no way that I’ll be able to get where I want to go unless I continue to work hard. Do I need to do everything from a place of following God instead of a frantic attempt to make myself successful, of course. But everything worth doing is going to be difficult. What God has for you will take countless hours, sweat, frustrations, tears, and much more.
My favorite verse in the Bible comes from 1 Timothy 6:6, which says “Godliness combined with contentment brings great profit.” This is the verse I try to live by. I pursue becoming more christlike, while being grateful for all he’s already done for me. I run the race, but from a place of security in God’s love. I work hard for what God has for me, while being content that even if my work is for naught, it’s all apart of the journey.
This is how we’re all called to live. For finding balance is essential. Being able to work hard without letting the work define your identity is the key to letting God use you. Godliness combined with contentment is what will lead to success.
In this new year, seek God, set goals, work hard, and rest. Don't just pick one or two, prioritize them all! That's my new years resolution.