Ruach's Remodeling Services- A Short Allegory
What if the Holy Spirit was a house remodeling contractor?
“Welcome back to our show. Our next guest is a renowned architect and builder who has gone viral for his skill in transforming any space into a cozy, aesthetically pleasing abode. Please give it up for Ruach Hakodesh!”
Loud and energetic music played as the audience clapped.
Ruach walked out from behind the curtain, holding a large sledgehammer over his shoulder and a book in his other hand. He grinned as he took his seat opposite the host.
“Thank you for joining us today, Ruach Hakodesh. It’s an honor to speak with you. Now I know you’re busy so let’s jump right into things!” She leaned towards him. “What’s your secret to home renovations?”
Ruach laughed. “Well I’d hardly call it a secret, I put everything in this here book.” He held up a large, well-worn book he’d been holding at his side. “But I come in to remind and encourage people during their renovation process. People bring me in ‘cause they think they don’t have enough space in their homes.”
“You’ve been called the space maker by those you’ve worked with for your ability to make someone’s house bigger and less cramped. How do you do that?”
“You’d be surprised how many people have way too many walls in their house. When looking at the total square footage of space, you’d assume most houses have more room than they know what to do with. But here’s the catch, on average ten to twenty percent of that square footage is taken up by walls. And in some houses, the percentage is even higher.”
On the screens behind them, before and after pictures displayed some of the houses Ruach had worked on. Each one showed a cramped house turning into a spacious one.
“Hmm, that’s interesting. So what’s the solution?”
“Simple.” Ruach picked up the sledgehammer he’d placed on the floor next to his seat. “Tear them down.” He grinned.
“Seriously?” The host laughed. “Aren’t walls needed to keep the house standing?”
“Most people have that same reaction, I’ve had people yell, scream, and cry at me just for mentioning a wall could be taken out. But here’s the thing, most walls aren’t needed for structural security, especially when the house has a good foundation. You’d be surprised how much space is taken up by unnecessary walls.”
“So, you come in and tear them down?”
“Exactly.” Ruach waved his hammer and winked. “My favorite part of the job!”
“You mention people having negative reactions to your strategy. Can you share with us some examples?”
Ruach leaned back in his plush chair. “Well there was this one time a lady invited me in and as I walked in, I was immediately greeted with a massive wall. Instead of the space opening up into the living room, the wall created a small hallway that had to be navigated around. This made her house seem closed off and unwelcoming. But when I recommended taking it out, she became hysterical with fear.”
“What was happening?”
“She saw the wall as protection and thought that if a robber ever came, it would give her more time to escape. Although it would more likely just make it easier for a thief to stay
hidden from her for longer.”
“Fascinating.” The woman nodded.
“Then there was this time I went into a very old house that had been standing for many years. But the issue was one of the hallway walls was rotting with a serious mold problem,
making the man living there sick. But when I told him the wall could be completely taken out without any issues, he became angry. He started yelling at me and accusing me of trying to destroy his home. Despite my warnings, he insisted that wall had been there all his life, and he refused to change that.”
“Wow, does everyone have such adverse reactions?”
“Most people respond hesitantly, but those who bring me in have come to expect that while my suggestions might make them uncomfortable, they always work out.”
“Speaking of the phrase bring me in that you used, you don’t actually charge anyone for your services, is that correct?”
“Not technically, no. I’m not hired in a traditional sense, so I just say I’m brought in. Although people do say my services are costly in another way.”
“What do you mean?” the host asked.
“My only requirement is that people trust me enough to follow my guidance. But that can take real sacrifice and faith. If they want to invite me into their house, I am more than happy to help them create the perfect layout. If they don’t want to use me, there are plenty of other contractors out there who do charge a hefty fee and don’t have nearly the same quality as me.”
“Simply fascinating. Well, Ruach, thank you for joining us today. Are there any parting words you have for us?"
Ruach smiled at the camera. “If you are ever interested in renovating and cleaning up your house, my advice would be to check out my book.” In his left hand he held up his book.
“And if what you read speaks to you, I’d be happy to stop by your house anytime.” In his right hand he held up his sledgehammer.
“Thank you so much for joining us today Ruach Hakodesh. Stay tuned for our next guest once we get back from the break!”