
Unlocked by Karen Kingsbury

A book review

Unlocked by Karen Kingsbury is an incredibly sweet and heartfelt story about a boy with autism slowly becoming unlocked through the power of music. While not my normal book of choice, this book’s heartfelt depth is incredibly endearing.

In fact, the only reason this book doesn’t have a higher score is because of how distinct it is from my normal genre of choice, fantasy. The lack of action, antagonists, and world building means that the book doesn’t get some of the points others do simply because it’s a different genre. But even in Karen Kingsbury’s normal genre of Christian fantasy, the book doesn’t fit a lot of the normal tropes and expectations. This makes it difficult to score, but well worth the read if you’re interested in a heartfelt and emotional story.

Main story:

10/12 points


10/10 points


10/10 points


1/8 points

Character arc:

10/10 points

Other points:

+3 for making me cry

+5 for great ending

+10 for memorability

Overall score: 74/100

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