Because the internet is such a fantastic place, I’ve recently received some criticism. So I wanted to take a moment and talk about the intentionality of my words and why I write Christian fantasy.
Stories are powerful
I believe that stories are powerful. Stories change hearts and minds. Stories transform the world.
I’ve often heard the phase “politics is downstream from culture”, which may be true, but I’d like to add this: “culture is downstream from stories”. Hearing impactful stories influence our actions. It could be a powerful theme that sticks with you. Or it could be a character’s journey that inspires you to grow as well.
I believe that one of the major reasons Jesus spoke in parables was because stories have this impact.
I'm a Christian author because I want my fantasy novels to not just provide a fun escape into an epic world. I want my stories to deepen your relationship with God. I don't want to run away from difficult questions, I want to run at them because that is where God is and where transformation happens.
Christian fantasy is where my heart is
I write Christian fantasy because those are the kinds of books that changed my life. I didn't have any friends when I was younger, but I did have the characters in these books my mom kept recommending, books like The Circle by Ted Dekker, The Sword of Lyric by Sharon Hinck, and Narnia by CS Lewis. These Christian fantasy novels became worlds of escape for me and the characters in them became my friends. Then I began to create my own characters and worlds that I now get to share with you!
My stories flow out from relationship
God won't let me write anything else. My faith is an essential part of who I am and I cannot deny it. Sure I might be able to find a bigger audience in the secular market if I toned down the themes, but when I write, my imagination as a creator connects with God's imagination as the Creator. He speaks through me.